* Recognised by UGC, New Delhi and Affiliated to Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women's University , Vijayapur
Red Cross
The Youth Red Cross is the most important constituent of its mother organization, Indian Red Cross Society. It is a group movement organized for students in colleges and technical institutions. The students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group, electing their own office bearers.
The Red Cross is an International organization meant for humanitarian services. Its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland with many affiliated National Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies. It is a non-religious, non-political and non-sectarian International body regardless of either frontiers or Race, the Red Cross remains a voluntary organization and also an independent one having considerable welfare activities to its credit. The Red Cross was established in 1863, in Geneva. JEAN HENRY DUNANT, known as the father of the Red Cross.
The Red Cross is an international humanitarian service organization dedicated to the cause of suffering humanity both in times of war and peace since 8 decades. It is constituted under the Act of Parliament known an Indian Red Cross Society Act XV 1920.
Fundamental Principles of the Youth Red Cross
Ø Humanity
Ø Impartiality
Ø Neutrality
Ø Independence
Ø Voluntary services
Ø Universality
To develop among youth sustainable approaches in addressing three key areas.
· Disaster
· Health
· Social exclusion
Objectives of Youth Red Cross
v The Indian Red Cross Society, is organized for the purpose of inculcating in Indian Youth the ideal and practice of service especially in relation to
v Taking care of own health and that of others.
v Understanding and accepting of civic responsibility.
v Maintaining a spirit of friendliness and helpfulness towards other youth in Indian and all over the world.
v Dissemination of the Red Cross Movement.